Hi everyone!
The world is so funny. Do you remember when I told you that I have a boyfriend? Well, surprise! It turns out he's a scammer.
What a bummer.
Well, if I'm going to be honest with you, ever since I declared my relationship with him, even though we only connected through WhatsApp, I sometimes had bad dreams about him. I don’t know, it feels like a “sign.” I even looked this up on Google to find out why I’m having these kinds of dreams. Some results showed that it could be related to events in real life or a sign of anxiety. I mean, it makes sense because I had mentioned that I wasn’t sure about the relationship from the beginning. So, I thought maybe I was just overthinking or being too sensitive.
Throughout our conversations, I didn’t feel like he was that suspicious, but we barely communicated with each other. He always texted me, asking how my day was and letting me know when he arrived and got home. He never missed once. But I did feel annoyed when I had to wait for him to reply, and our last conversation didn’t continue. He always started fresh, with an opening, but never a proper closing. That was the most obvious thing I didn’t like about texting him. Other than that, everything seemed fine.
But my suspicions began when he needed to transfer to another country. He, who rarely sent long messages, suddenly started to send one. I thought I liked it better, but somehow, it felt off. He also sent me a video of him at the airport, indicating that he had flown to another country. Not long after his arrival, he suddenly asked for my help. He claimed that the country he was in had experienced an earthquake, which caused poor internet, and it affected his ability to make an order for his work materials. He sent the link to the supplier's website and asked for my help with ordering the work materials. I did, thinking that was it, but I guess I was wrong. He then told me that he had the same issue accessing his bank and asked me to help him transfer money to the supplier through a bank link he sent.
I hesitated for a second. This felt wrong. We barely knew each other, and he wanted me to access his bank account? That's really odd. I don’t even share my bank details with my siblings.
So, I started looking up the website he sent me, and I was really suspicious about it. I googled the situation, and the results showed that it was a sign of a scam or money laundering scheme. After researching, I rejected his request and told him that I wouldn’t help him with the transaction because, logically, any real person with a real banking problem, who couldn’t log into their own account, would contact the bank to resolve the issue. They wouldn’t go through someone else, especially someone they only knew online and never in real life. Funnily enough, he said that I didn’t love him enough to help him when he needed me the most. I laughed when I read the word “love.” Love? I guess I’m indeed not "in love" enough to help him get that money! - BLOCKED ALL THE WAY.
Alhamdulillah, it seems that I managed to dodge a huge bullet that could have led me into something really serious and bad. How dare he try to make me an accomplice in money laundering? If I had gone through with it, I might’ve been arrested and gone to jail for indirectly helping with a crime. I can’t imagine how negatively this could have affected my life. It’s really awful to think about what could’ve happened if I were that naïve!
To be honest, I always had this feeling of uncertainty about him. So today, for the first time, I decided to pray to Allah SWT for guidance, asking Him to make a way if he is the right one for me, and to distance us if he isn’t. Alhamdulillah, my prayer seems to have been answered. I’m really grateful for the guidance and protection.
I guess, all this time, I didn’t have a boyfriend—just a pen pal who was a romance scammer! HAHAHAAH
Anyway, I accept everything that’s happened. I'm glad that our relationship didn't last long, because if it had, it would’ve been a really disastrous situation for me. It’s indeed a life lesson, and I needed to be extra careful with online people, especially. Well, at least I have a good story to tell, right? I’ll definitely be more cautious from now on, but I also wanted to share my story in case it helps anyone else. Stay safe online, everyone!