Hey peeps.
How are you and i hope you guys have a wonderful day!
You might not know, but I've been talking to a few people online for the past few days. It all started when i install apps "Litmatch", i know.. some people might side eyes me when i mentioned about this. Dejavu, exactly the same reaction with "Omegle". People who know, they know.
I understand the stereotype, and yes, there are a lot of people who are very forward about their sexual desires. I've encountered it many times, and I'm honestly sick of it. It makes me wonder how these people have the audacity to show their private parts so shamelessly. It's insane, especially on Omegle. I have to skip every two seconds because of how often people are exposing themselves.
Luckily, i didnt encounter that experience with Litmatch because i mainly using chat *bless my innocent eyes*. But that doesn't stop people from being very direct about what they're looking for. When I encounter these kinds of people, I'm honest with them, and they usually leave quickly. So, yeah, time saved!
So, back to the main story! As I mentioned, I've been talking to a few people on Litmatch. To my surprise, I found them quite decent, and we could have normal conversations, which I was really grateful for. So far, there are two people I think are great and fun to talk to, but they're very different from each other.
Person A is very talkative, and I genuinely have a lot of fun talking to him because he knows how to keep the conversation going. He's also very supportive. Meanwhile for the person B, we dont really have a proper conversation due to different of time zone (8 hours different). When we talk, I feel like, he chatting with me as a check in? I dont know how to explain it but this person always let me know when he go to work, when he arrived home, asking how im doing and thats it.
So, about person B i wasnt sure about him. He wanted for us to know each other, but right now, though out the process, i dont think i can do it. If being friend yes, I dont mind but as a lover, i dont think so. I was planning to let him know the truth maybe after a month. I'll see how it goes first, if nothing change, then i will be honest about it and ask his thought too. (Update; I was wrong and we are in relationship hahhaha)
Meanwhile, person A. If I'm not strong enough i might catch feeling with him but one thing stops me. Our faith. We dont run by the same religions.
So, that's all for now! I've decided to uninstall Litmatch. It wasn't really for me, but it was nice to have the chance to socialize outside my usual circle.
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